Step into history with this extraordinary vehicle, once owned by John “Mitch” Mitchell, legendary drummer of the Jimi Hendrix Experience. This rare and meticulously preserved car comes with full provenance to verify its unparalleled connection to rock royalty. For Sale: Iconic Collector’s Dream – 1961 Rolls Royce Silver Cloud 2 – LWB with Rock ‘n’…
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We have an exciting upcoming startup project, which helps local small business owners in the city of Abbotsford, British Columbia. For further information, please visit here.…
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In January 2017, Thomas made Vox wah pedal that was put together pre-production and modded for Jimi Hendrix just in time for Woodstock in 1969 was sold for 33k at gbase auction. This wah that was made for Hendrix for quite a lot of attention. At first, I was a bit skeptical of it due to it being…
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It seems like you’re running a default WordPress website. Here are a few useful links to get you started: Migration How to use WordPress Migrator Plugin? Migrate WordPress from Siteground to Cloudways Migrate WordPress from GoDaddy to Cloudways Performance How to install and configure Breeze WordPress cache plugin? How to integrate CloudwaysCDN with your WordPress…
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The Jimi Hendrix Family Foundation started its infancy in 2011. Its first launch was held in West Vancouver, Canada. The organization’s team members, family and friends were present at this private event. JIMI HENDRIX FAMILY FOUNDATION IN THE NORTHSHORE NEWS For publication click the link here.(GO TO PAGE A12 FOR FULL STORY)…
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